Like a stated in a previous blog, one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is making breakfast while Jamie and I are off of work. But with that being said I don't want to start the day slaving away in the kitchen when I will be there most of the day cooking! My sister has made this recipe before and I loved it! These are Overnight Cinnamon Rolls and they have an unexpected ingredient!

First pick up some frozen dinner rolls at the grocery. Most of the other things you will have in your pantry. You have to make sure you get the kind that need to thaw and rise. You are going to place 20 of these in a lightly greased 13x9 baking dish.
In a separate bowl. Place 1 cup brown sugar, 1 packet of vanilla pudding and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon. Yep you heard right!!
Pudding!!! Then sprinkle this mixture on top of the rolls.
Then sprinkle with pecans, as much as your desire.
Melt 1 stick of butter and drizzle over the top.
My pictures are awful I know but I had melted butter smeared on my lens! Then cover with a loose towel and sat on the counter for the night. I originally put them in the fridge for goodness knows why and my sister texted me and was like I think you should leave those on the counter. This is what they looked like when I woke up.
Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Or until golden brown.
Then turn them out onto a platter.
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